So, I just got back from PAX Prime 2010 and my company’s unveiling of Firefall. We spent a lot of time getting everything polished and doing all of the planning for this announcement, but the time spent was all worth it.

Most of us from the company were flying out to Seattle the day before the opening of PAX. Even just sitting in the airport we had people talking to us and trying to get information! Unfortunately, all we could really do is sit there and smile when asked about what we were announcing!

PAX was a lot larger than I expected it to be. I’ve been to several other conventions before, but this was the first PAX. There were gamers everywhere you turned! It was great to see that PAX isn’t just a press event and really seems to be focused on the gamers and fans. And it’s not just gamers of one type, it’s catered to gamers of all types. Everything from PC and console gamers to D&D, trading card games and everything in between.

Large chunk of the Firefall team

Large chunk of the Firefall team

The excitement level within the team was really high on the first morning of PAX. We had pretty much the entire company in Seattle to work shifts at the booth, but most of us were there before the doors opened and stayed throughout the day. I wasn’t scheduled to work the booth until later, but I wasn’t about to miss the chance to see the publics first reaction to all of our hard work. It was a long and exhausting day, but it was totally worth it.

Red 5 booth before the doors opened

Red 5 booth before the doors opened

I think my favorite part of the entire process was just getting to talk to people. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. I was watching the google news feed and the forums pretty closely. I was really surprised to find that there were over 1,000 forum posts before the first day of PAX was complete. At the time of my writing this, it’s now approaching over 6,000 posts on the forums and it’s only been 3 days!

I’m looking forward to getting to talk more about the game. We’ve given people quite a bit to chew on, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions. I’m really looking forward to getting to answer all of these and get people actually playing the game. I think you guys are going to love it!

Be sure to check out Firefall at!

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